Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Bab 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
Kherysuryawan.id – Rangkuman materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 bab 4 MY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES kurikulum merdeka.
Halo sahabat pendidikan, pada kesempatan
kali ini admin akan kembali memberikan ulasan/ringkasan materi pelajaran yakni
khususnya pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 2 kurikulum
Untuk materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 Bab
4 MY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES merupakan materi yang nantinya akan di pelajari di
semester 2 kurikulum merdeka. Untuk memudahkan dalam belajar maka tentunya akan
sangat membutuhkan sebuah ringkasan materi maka olehnya itu melalui kesempatan ini
admin akan memberikan sajian ringkasan materi pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7
SMP bab 4 MY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES yang nantinya akan di pelajari di semester 2
kurikulum merdeka.
Adapun tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan
untuk di capai pada pembelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 Bab 4 tentang My School
Activities yaitu sebagai berikut :
1. talk about class schedules and school
2. talk about online learning tips; and
3. describe one’s study habits.
Berikut ini sajian ringkasan materi Bahasa
inggris kelas 7 SMP Bab 4 My School Activities kurikulum merdeka:
Unit 1. My Class Schedule
Section 1 – Say What You Know
a. Answer the questions.
Do you make a class schedule?
Do you hang it on your bedroom wall?
What subjects do you have on Monday?
b. Draw a line to match the category
with the examples.
c. Listen to Audio 4.1. Write down the names of class subjects under each picture. Number one has been done for you.
Section 2 – Listening
a. Listen to Audio 4.2. Some students
are talking about school subjects and days.
b. Listen again to Audio 4.1. Based on
the dialogue, draw a line to match the names of the day and the school
Baca Juga
c. Listen to Audio 4.3. Galang wants to
borrow his sister’s dictionary for studying English at school. See the word box
at the end of the chapter, to help you ind the meanings of key wordings.
Galang :
Kak Sinta, do you have English on Tuesday?
Sinta :
No, I don’t. Why are you asking?
Galang :
I just want to borrow your dictionary. I have English on
that day.
Sinta :
Sure, go ahead. Anyway, I have English on Monday and
Galang :
Oh, great! My English class is on Tuesday and Thursday.
Sinta :
All right then. You can use my dictionary on Tuesday or
Galang :
Thanks, Kak Sinta.
Sinta :
Unit 2. My Online Class
Section 1 – Say What You Know
Look at the Picture 4.4. What are they
Do you have online classes?
If you do, does your online class have
learning rules?
Section 2 – Reading and Viewing
a. Match the pictures with suitable
b. Read a text about Ibu Ayu’s Online
Classroom. See the Wordbox.
Ibu Ayu’s Online Class
Ibu Ayu teaches English every Tuesday
and Thursday. During the pandemic, Ibu Ayu taught English online. She used a
video conferencing application. Ibu Ayu met and talked with her students
virtually. She also explained the materials and has a discussion with her
students. The students felt very happy and excited to learn English online.
Sometimes the students spoke at the same time. In a video conferencing
application, speaking at the same time makes the class noisy. Ibu Ayu thought
about making rules for online learning.
c. Answer the following questions based
on the text above.
1. Why does Ibu Ayu teach English
2. How many times does Ibu Ayu teach
English in a week?
3. What type of application does Ibu Ayu
use in teaching online?
4. What activities does Ibu Ayu do in
online learning?
5. Do you think Ibu Ayu needs to make
online learning rules?
Unit 3. My Study Habits
Section 1 – Say What You Know
Rate yourself by coloring the stars. See
the Wordbox
1. Do you read every day?
2. Do you take notes every day?
3. Do you make a schedule?
4. Do you review lessons at home?
5. Do you do homework every day?
Section 2 – Reading
See the Wordbox.
a. Look at the picture below. Write down
words for the things you can see at Monita’s study area. Number one has been
done for you.
b. Look at each picture and write a
relevant activity under each picture. Number one has been done for you.
c. Complete the text about Monita’s
study habits. Use the activities in the Worksheet 4.25. See the Wordbox.
Untuk mendapatkan filenya : DISINI
Demikianlah ringkasan materi Bahasa inggris
kelas 7 Bab 4 semester 2 MY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES kurikulum merdeka. Semoga sajian
ringkasan materi diatas bisa membantu aktivitas guru dan siswa dalam belajar
mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris khususnya pada kurikulum merdeka di kelas 7 SMP
semester 2.
Sekian dan Terimakasih.