Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Bab 5 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
Kherysuryawan.id – Rangkuman materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 Bab 5 semester 2 kurikulum merdeka.
Sahabat kherysuryawan, pada kesempatan
kali ini admin akan memberikan penjabaran materi yang ada pada mata pelajaran
Bahasa inggris yakni untuk kelas 7 SMP semester 2 Bab 5 This is My School pada
pembelajaran kurikulum merdeka.
Materi ini sengaja admin ringkas/rangkum
dengan harapan dapat memudahkan bagi siapapun yang akan menggunakannya sebagai
bahan belajar baik untuk pembelajaran di rumah maupun di sekolah. Dengan
mempelajari materi hasil rangkuman maka akan lebih memudahkan bagi guru maupun
siswa dalam menggunakannya sebagai salah satu bahan belajar.
Seluruh materi hasil rangkuman Bahasa
inggris kelas 7 SMP Bab 5 This is My School semester 2 kurikulum merdeka ini bersumber
dari buku paket pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP kurikulum merdeka. Materi
yang di sajikan juga telah sesuai dengan materi bagi sekolah penggerak maupun
sekolah pengguna kurikulum merdeka.
Adapun tujuan yang diharapkan dalam
pembelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 bab 5 kurikulum merdeka yaitu tentang This
is My School, adalah sebagai berikut :
1. ask for and give directions;
2. talk about extracurricular activities;
3. describe a school festival.
Baiklah berikut ini ringkasan/rangkuman
materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP Bab 5 This is My School pada pembelajaran
kurikulum merdeka.
This is My School
Unit 1. School Buildings
Section 1 – Say What You Know
a. What can you see in the Picture 5.1?
b. Give a check to the facilities that
you can see in the picture.
c. What other facilities do you usually
ind at school?
Section 2 – Listening
a. Listen to Audio 5.1. Galang and a new
student, Pipit, meet Monita at the canteen during break time. See the Wordbox
at the end of the chapter, to help you ind the meanings of key wordings.
b. Circle T if the statement is True and
F if the statement is False.
c. Listen to Audio 5.2. Monita, Galang,
and Pipit are talking about the location of school facilities.
Baca Juga
d. Listen again to Audio 5.2 and answer
the questions.
1. Where is the clinic?
2. Where is the art room?
3. Where is the principal’s oice?
4. Where is the third graders’
5. Where is the irst graders’ classroom?
Section 3 – Listening
a. Listen to Audio 5.3. Pipit and Monita
talk about directions to the teacher’s room.
b. Listen again to Audio 5.3 about
giving directions. Fill in the blanks to complete the paragraph. Use turn left,
turn right, or go straight.
Pipit is in the garden. She must go to
the teachers’ room to meet Ibu Ayu. She should (1) __________ After she walks
past the library, she should (2) __________ The teachers’ room is beside the
canteen. Before she meets Ibu Ayu, Pipit needs to go to the toilet. She should
walk past the laboratory and the library. After that she should (3) __________
The girls’ toilet is on her left.
Unit 2. Extracurricular Activities
Section 1 – Say What You Know
a. What are they doing?
b. Mention after school activities in
your school.
c. Discuss what students do in
extracurricular activities?
d. Where in the school do the students
do the extracurricular activities?
Section 2 – Viewing and Speaking
a. Look at the following pictures. Label
the pictures with the correct names of the activities. See the Wordbox.
b. Think about what students do in
extracurricular activities. Match the verbs in the left column with the
corresponding extracurricular activities on the right column.
Section 3 – Language Focus
a. Regular activities
When we talk about regular activities,
we can use Simple Present Tense. In the expression, we can include information
about time and place. Look at the examples:
• Students attend scout activities every
• Students in the dancing club practice
in the art room.
• Pencak silat students practice in the
school yard every Tuesday
In example 1, ‘every Thursday’ is used
as information about time. In example 2, ‘in the art room’ is used as
information about a place. Then, example 3 has information about both time and
place: ‘in the school yard every Tuesday’.
b. Now, look at the pictures in Section
2a again. Using the verbs that you have listed in Section 2b, write what students
do in each extracurricular activity. Number one has been done as an example for
you. Add information about time and place too.
Unit 3. School Festival
Section 1 – Say What You Know
a. What event do you see in the picture?
b. What are people doing in the event?
c. Do you have a similar event in your
Section 2 – Reading
a. Read the text about a school
festival. See the Wordbox
School Festival at SMP Merdeka
SMP Merdeka holds an annual festival. It
usually happens in June. It takes place in some school facilities. At this
festival, students participate in many activities, such as art exhibitions and
exhibition is usually located in the art room. It shows students’ artwork like
paintings, statues, and crafts. A group of students also sell crafts in the
stalls. Students usually enjoy the art exhibition and buy interesting crafts.
There are two kinds of competitions. They are sports and art competitions. The
sports competition is held in the school yard. Class teams compete in soccer,
basketball and badminton. Art competition is performed on stage in the school
garden. Some students perform singing and dancing. Other students present
poetry reading and storytelling. Students who like reading can join a
storytelling activity.
Before the
school festival, students practice sports and arts for competition. Some
students help prepare the decorations for the stage. Everyone is happy
participating in the school festival.
b. Put a tick in the map based on text
‘School Festival at SMP Merdeka for:
• The location for art exhibition.
• The location for the sports
• The location for the art competition.
c. Read the ‘School Festival at SMP
Merdeka. Then, answer the questions.
1. School festival in SMP Merdeka happens
in __________
2. In the school festival, students
participate in activities such as __________
3. Arts exhibition shows students’
artwork such as __________
4. Some students are in the stalls to
sell __________
5. The sports competitions are
__________, __________ and __________
6. Some students perform __________ and
7. Students who like reading can join
8. Students prepare __________ for the
stage before the school festival.
Section 3 – Language Focus
a. Describing a room
When we describe a room, we can focus on
the features of the room, for example:
1) The identiication, we can mention the
name of the room.
This is the school garden.
My classroom is a comfortable place to
2) The size, we can describe if a room is large
or small.
It is large.
It is a big room.
3) The object, we can describe the things
that we can see in the
room. We can use the expression there is
and there are for this
There are chairs and desks for students to
sit in groups.
There is a whiteboard in front of the
4) The activity, we can describe what
people do in the room.
We study all subjects in this room.
The teacher walks around the room to help
us learn.
b. Write sentences for the following place.
Use the words to help you. The words can be used in some sentences. You can
also use your own words
1. my school garden
2. small
3. lowers − big trees − two benches
4. sit around − talk/have a chat − read
– water
c. Read the example text of describing a
My Classroom
This is our classroom. It is big. There
are thirty tables and chairs for the students. There is also a desk for the
teacher. A blackboard is in front of the class. The windows are on the right side
of the room. We study subjects like Math, Bahasa Indonesia and Social Sciences
in this room. Sometimes, our teacher tells us to present our work or play games
in the classroom.
As a descriptive text, the structure of
the sample text is:
Itulah ringkasan materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 Bab 5 This is My School kurikulum merdeka yang sempat admin sajikan, bagi anda yang ingin melihat materi lengkapnya maka silahkan cek di bawah ini :
Untuk mendapatkan file materi
lengkapnya DISINI
Demikianlah ringkasan/rangkuman materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP Bab 5 materi This is My School pada kurikulum merdeka yang dapat admin sajikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga rangkuman materi diatas dapat menjadi salah satu bahan belajar/evaluasi baik oleh guru dalam mengajar maupun oleh peserta didik dalam melakukan aktivitas belajar di sekolah maupun di rumah masing-masing khususnya pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris.