Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Bab 3 Kurikulum Merdeka

Kherysuryawan.id – Rangkuman materi pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP kurikulum merdeka Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home semester 1.

Halo Sahabat kherysuryawan bagaimana kabar anda hari ini, semoga anda semua masih dalam keadaan sehat. Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membahas tentang materi pelajaran Bahasa inggris yang akan di pelajari di kelas 7 SMP kurikulum merdeka semester 1 khususnya materi yang ada bab 3 tentang “Home Sweet Home”


Seluruh materi yang akan di tampilkan pada ringkasan ini merupakan materi pelajaran bahasa inggris yang bersumber dari buku siswa bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP Kurikulum merdeka. Materi ini merupakan materi yang akan di pelajari di semester 1.

Bagi anda yang di sekolahnya telah menggunakan kurikulum merdeka maka dalam proses pembelajaran harus menggunakan materi yang sesuai dengan kurikulum yang di gunakan. Di kurikulum merdeka baik buku siswa maupun buku guru sebenarnya sudah lengkap di berikan hanya saja memang masih banyak siswa dan guru yang belum memilikinya.


Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membantu siswa untuk bisa memiliki ringkasan/rangkuman materi pelajaran untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP kurikulum merdeka. Materi yang akan admin bagikan disini ialah materi yang terdapat pada Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home.


Pada materi Bahasa inggris kelas 7 bab 3 Home Sweet Home, ada beberapa tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin di capai. Berikut ini penjelasannya.


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of Chapter 3, you should be able to:

1. describe rooms in a house and things in the rooms;

2. talk about what people do and use to clean up a house; and

3. give instructions on how to do something.


Berikut ini ringkasan materi pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home yang akan di pelajari di kurikulum merdeka.


Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home

Unit 1. My House

Section 1 – Say What You Know

a. Look at Picture 3.2. Say the rooms of the house.

b. Mention rooms in your house. Circle the words in Worksheet 3.1. You can add more rooms. See the Wordbox.


Section 2 – Listening

a. Listen to Audio 3.1. Galang is welcoming Andre and Monita to his house. See the Wordbox.


Did You Know?

Indonesia consists of about 17,000 islands with different kinds of cultures. One of the cultural images can be seen from the creation of traditional houses. Wonderful traditional houses can be found in different parts of the country such as Bolon in North Sumatera, Joglo in Central Java, Gadang in West Sumatera, Bale Sakenem in Bali, and many more.


b. Read the sentences on Worksheet 3.2. Say the words for each picture in the sentences. You can use the words from Section 1b to ill in the blank space.


Unit 2. My House Chores

Section 1 – Say What You Know

a. Look at the picture. What do you think about this room? Give a check to the sentence that describe the room. See the Wordbox.

b. Is your house tidy and clean?


c. Look at Worksheet 3.12. Choose cleaning activities you do at home.


Section 2 – Reading

a. Look at Picture 3.7 and answer the following questions.

1. Who takes out the trash?

2. Who cleans the window?

3. Who mops the loor?

4. Who puts the toys away?


b. Read the text about house chores. See the Wordbox.

Let’s Clean Up!

The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the loor and Galang takes out the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night.

Ibu Posma cooks everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing, she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the windows and the furniture every Saturday.

The Rahmansyahs are busy every day


c. Complete the sentences based on the text.

d. Work with your friend. Put a check mark in the table below based on the text above


Unit 3. Let’s Clean Up!

Section 1 – Say What You Know

a. What can you see in the picture?

b. What is in the organic bin?

c. What is in the non-organic bin?

d. Do you separate rubbish at home?


Section 2 – Reading

a. Read the text. See the Wordbox..

Tips to Separate Rubbish

There are some tips on how to separate rubbish at home. The most simple way to separate your rubbish is by categorizing them into two types. First, you can collect organic rubbish. Examples of organic rubbish are food scrap, leaves, plants and soil. They can go into the composter. They are good to use as fertilizer. Second, you should collect non-organic rubbish. The materials that belong in this category are paper, plastic, cardboard, metal and fabric. Before we throw them into the recycle bin, we should clean them. Then, they can be recycled into new products. Separating rubbish is very useful to keep our environment clean.Read the text again and have a look at the rubbish collection. Can you separate them based on the categories?


b. Read the text again and have a look at the rubbish below. Can you separate them based on the categories?

c. Look at the pictures below and identify the words for the pictures.

d. Fill in the following crossword puzzle with the answer words from Worksheet above. Number 6 and 9 have been done for you.


Section 3: Reading

a. Read the conversation between Pak Rahmansyah and Galang below.

Let’s Clean Up the Yard


1. Two big plastic bags

2. Two pairs of gloves



1. Prepare the equipment to separate the rubbish.

2. Wear the gloves.

3. Put the irst plastic bag for organic rubbish

4. Put another plastic bag for non-organic rubbish

5. Separate the rubbish based on the categories, for example food scraps and vegetables go into the irst plastic bag. Then, plastic, glass, paper, and wood go into the other bag.

6. Finally, put the bags into the correct rubbish bin.


b. Fill in Worksheet 3.25 using the statements from the text.


Bagi anda yang ingin melihat materi lengkap untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP kurikulum merdeka Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home, maka silahkan lihat tampilannya di bawah ini :



Jika anda ingin memiliki file materi lengkap Bahasa inggris kelas 7 Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home seperti yang tampak di atas, maka silahkan dapatkan (DISINI)


Demikianlah informasi tentang materi pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas 7 kurikulum merdeka Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home yang dapat admin bagikan di kesempatan kali ini. Semoga informasi ini dapat bermanfaat bagi anda yang ingin mempelajari materi Bahasa inggris khususnya pada Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home di pembelajaran kurikulum merdeka.


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