Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 7,8,9 SMP –
Latihan mengerjakan soal – soal Bahasa inggris jenjang SMP untuk mengasah
kemampuan siswa dalam mempelajari mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris di sekolah.
Soal-soal latihan
yang saya sajikan melalui postingan ini merupakan kumpulan soal-soal ujian
sekolah yang di ambil dari materi Bahasa inggris mulai dari kelas 7, kelas 8
dan kelas 9 SMP.
Bagi anda yang
membutuhkan sebuah latihan atau soal-soal untuk anda kerjakan maka postingan
ini akan menjadi sesuatu yang bermakna bagi anda. Di dalam setiap soal yang di
sajikan telah di berikan kunci jawabannya sehingga dapat menjadi bahan referensi
untuk mnyesuaikan dengan hasil jawaban anda sendiri.
Adapun bentuk soal
yang ada disini yaitu terdiri dari 2 bentuk soal yakni soal pilihan ganda dan
soal essay.
Untuk soal pilihan
ganda yaitu di berikan sebanyak 40 nomor sedangkan untuk soal essay di berikan
sebanyak 5 soal jadi total soal yang ada yaitu berjumlah 45 soal.
Bagi bapak dan ibu
guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris dan membutuhkan bahan
referensi soal-soal latihan maka postingan ini dapat anda manfaatkan sebagai
salah satu bank soal, sedangkan bagi siswa-siswi maka soal latihan ini dapat
menjadi sebuah pembelajaran untuk mengasah kemampuan anda dalam memahami dan
menjawab soal-soal yang di sajikan.
Baiklah bagi anda
yang ingin melihat soal-soal yang ada disini maka silahkan anda simak baik-baik
soal di bawah ini dan untuk melatih kemampuan anda dalam menjawabnya maka
silahkan anda pilih salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar pada soal
bentuk pilihan ganda sedangkan untuk soal essay maka anda bisa membaca teks
dialog dan menjawabnya dengan baik.
Jika anda merasa
kesulitan dalam menjawab, maka anda bisa memanfaatkan kunci jawaban yang telah
di sediakan pada akhir soal.
Berikut ini
soal-soal latihan ujian sekolah mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris jenjang SMP.
This text is for the following question.
No chemicals in this unit
A. To mix food and chemicals in the unit
B. To add chemical
materials on food
To put chemicals in the store room
D. To put food in the unit
To: Bramantyo
Congratulations, you have bought the bigger house, which you’ve always dreamt about. I hope you will feel more comfortable. Don’t forget to invite
me to your house. Warming party.
A. Edo
B. Bramantyo
C. Edo and Bramantyo
D. Edo’s father
To: Bramantyo
Congratulations, you have bought the bigger house, which you’ve always dream about. I hope you will feel more comfortable. Don’t forget to invite me to your house –
3. What does Edo’s hope for Bramantyo ?
A. Feel sad
B. Feel worry
C. Feel more comfortable
D. Feel more happy
Dear Rara,
Remember, we’ve had appointment to go swimming, after school. I’ll be waiting for you at home. After having lunch and a nap. Please be prepared to go. Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit. We will cycle there.
4. “ We have had
appointment to go swimming, …” The underlined word is closest in
meaning to …
A. Argument
B. Promise
C. Wish
D. Purpose
The following text is for questions number 5 to 8
Once upon a time, there was a king and his queen who lived in the Kingdom of
Belinyu. They
didn’t have any child. Until one night, the queen had a dream of a turtle. It said that the
queen would have
a baby, and she
had to give a Komala
necklace to the baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a Komala necklace in her
hand. She told her dream to the King, and he was very happy.
Shortly, the queen’s dream became reality, she delivered a beautiful baby girl. The
named her, Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had bad attitude because her parents always spoiled her too much.
One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s
dream. She thought that the turtle was very interesting anima, so she wanted it as her pet.
insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.
Accompanied with the
king’s guards, Komala
searched the
turtle, and finally,. She
found it in the
beach. She
shouted to it, “Penyu busuk wait for me”, in several time, but the
turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it into the
sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she finally
drowned and disappeared, and all of the guards could not save her. Now, people call the beach, Penyusuk.
Komala had a bad attitude
because………… A.
She Was a princes
B. Her father was a king
C. She was a beatiful girl
D. Her parent spoiled her vey much
6. Until then she finally drowned............(last paragraph). The synonym of the word
drowned ” is............................
A. Disappeared
B. Floated C. Swan D.
7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph ?
A. The king permitted komala to find the turtle
B. The celebration of komala’s birthday
C. She drowned into the sea
D. The turtle disappeared
8. What is the perpose of the write the story above ?
A. To entertain the readers of the story
B. To explin how important a relative is
She is to told hee dream to the king
She is isistend to find it
The following text is for questions number 9 to 12
Jennifer Lopes is a highly
successful actress, singer, and dancer. Her new films and
albums usually go straight to the top.
What’s a typical working day for her? Making
a film is a hard work. She usually
up at half past five in the morning and she’s always on the film set at half past six. She never drinks coffe
she always has a
light lunch of just green salad. She
doesn’t like working up late at nights. She is usually in bed halft past ten. If she stays out late, she will
be too tired in the next morning.
Adam shankman, a director of one of her films, says” J.Lo is actually a quit person. She doesn’t like going out all the time. She often stays at home on Saturday nights and
watches video.
If J.Lo isn’t working
on a
film or making a record, her life style is very different.
When she has got time off, she’s quite happy to go out. She loves New York restaurants.
loves dancing. She sometimes dances until three o’clock in the morning!
J.Lo’s family lives in New York. They were very close family. She sees her parents every weekend and she always phones them if she has a problem. She’s got two older
sisters and they get on very well together. They are not just her sister; they are her best
9. What is the text about?
A. A succesful actress
B. Jennifer Lopers
C. Jennifer Lopers and sisters
D. She is singer
10. What does Jennifer Lopez
do when she has a problem?
A. Sees her parents every weekend
B. Phones her parent
C. Meets her two sister
D. Goes clubbing in New York
11. What is the generic structure of the text?
A. Orientation, complication and resolution
B. Orientation ,event and re orientation
C. Identification and description
D. Identification, complication and description
12. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. J.Lo typical working day
B. J.Lo. family relationship
C. J.Lo activities in New York
D. J.Lo’s lifestyle on her free day
The following text is for questions number 13 to
Last holiday my students
I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel which is not a long way
from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan.
There are three major sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They
are truly stunning. We went by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds
that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled. On Saturday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on the grounds that we were driven by
a brilliant and amicable aide. At that point we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We
touched base
there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening we left Jogjakarta by bus.
13. Where did the writer go?
A. The writer’s trip to Jogyakarta
B. The writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. The writer’s impression about the guide
D. The writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
14. When did they go home?
A. On Saturday morning
B. On Friday evening
C. On Thursday evening
D. On Saturday evening
15. “We were fortunate on the grounds that we were driven by ...”The underlined word is closest meaning to…
A. Lose B.
D. Cheerful
16. What is purpose of the text……….
A. Tell
past events
B. Entertain readers
C. Describe the smugglers
D. Inform readers about events of the day
The following text is for questions number 17 to 20
Oases is an area of vegetation surrounded by desert, having a source of
water to support plant and animal life. It can be found in desert region of the Arabian Peninsula, the Sahara
Desert of Egypt and many other region of the world.
Few oases are natural, where springs or ground water is close to the surface. Balmorhea State Park of Texas has a natural spring that produces more than 20 million
gallons of water each day. A large pool for public use has been constructed, fed by the water flowing from the spring.
oasis can be created artificially
by digging or drilling for a water source underground. Horizontal tunnels for ground water are traditionally
dug, inclined slightly
upward under higher ground water to flow downhill to the oasis.
Oases can be small and large. Small ones can be springs or wells with vegetation
on less than
one acre of ground.
Whereas, several oases
may cover several
square miles. Al-
Ahsa in eastern Saudi Arabia is the largest oases in Asia, having natural springs that have been used by local people for thousands of years.
17. The writer writes the text in order to ....
A. Describe a particular oases
B. Inform of kinds of oases
C. Describe an oases in general
D. Explain how an oases is formed
18. What is the main idea of the third paragraph ?
A. An oasis can be intentionally made
B. Tunnels for ground water are traditionally dug
C. An oasis is related to a water source underground
D. Tunnels allow ground water to flow downhill to an oasis
19. “ .... inclined slightly upward under higher ground nearby .... ” (paragraph 3)
What does the underlined word mean ?
A. A little
B. Greatly
C. So-so
D. Enough
20. From the text we can conclude that an oasis ....
A. is located near a vast desert
B. support vegetation and animal life
C. can only be found in Asia and African continents
D. was accidentally found several years ago
Making Colored Egg
- Hard boiled egg(cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food coloring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt
1. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a
small bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300ml of hot water
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower
egg into the jar of dye and leave it for
a few minutes. Check the color of the egg regularly
3. When the egg has reached the desire color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining eggs
21. What kinds of liquid that we need to make colored eggs?
A. Salt
B. Vinegar
C. Glass jar
D. Paper towel
22. “ Lower an egg into the jar of dye
...” what does the underlined word means?
A. Crack
D. Dip
23. “ Add 300 ml
vinegar and15 ml
Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave it for a few
minutes”. What does the word “ it ” refers to?
A. Vinegar
B. Salt C.
Egg D. Jar
24. From the text above we get the information about ...
A. What coloring eggs are
B. How to make coloring eggs
C. Which the best coloring eggs
D. Where we can dry coloring eggs
The following text is for questions number 25 to 27
and Mrs. Samuel Hansen
request the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown
on the
occasion of their
25th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday 28
May at 8.
Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No. 4
Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
R.S.V.P: Windy (02154390231)
25. Who should we contact to make a confirmation?
A. Mr. and
Mrs. Hansen B. Mr.
and Mrs. Brown C. The company
D. Windy
26. What is the text written for?
A. To invite somebody to a party
B. To celebrate a wedding anniversary
C. To inform the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen
D. To give direction for Taman Orchid Indah Block
27. “ on the occasion of their “....What does the word their refer to ?
A. Windy and the company
B. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
C. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen
D. The company and wedding organizer
28. What probably the students should do to join the competition after reading the
A. Prepare for the competition
B. Go to the school hal
C. Meet Mr. Andi for registration
D. Choose the interesting program
29. Based on the text we can say that ...
A. The Programs Will Last For 4 Hours.
B. The Programs Will
Held In
The Afternoon. C. Two
Competitions Will Be Held.
D. Mr.Andi is the organizer of the program.
30. Why does SMP 10 Bombana hold interesting program ?
A. To announce the school competition
B. To celebrate the National Education Day
C. To inform that Mr. Andi is the coordinator of the program
D. To announce that there are three interesting program in the competition
The following text is for questions number 31 to
“Adventure Package”
Get this package now only for Rp. 75.000 !
This Incredible All Access Pass (137 cm minimum)
included one day admission on Birdie Waterboom, free flying fox play, free hanging bike ride in Birdie free top, and entering mini Bird Zoo
All located at Merdeka Park.
31. What is the advertisement about?
A. A Bird Park B. A Water Park C. Flying fox pay
D. Hanging bike roads
32. Who can enter to the place?
A. All the children who can swim.
B. People who are at least 137 cm tall.
C. All people who live near
Merdeka Park.
D. People who pay Rp. 75.000 for the entrance ticket.
33. What should people do to get the adventure package?
A. Read the advertisement
B. Make reservation
C. Call the Customer Service
D. Buy the package only for Rp. 75.000
34. “ This incredible All Access Pass (137 cm minimum) includes one-Day admission Birdie waterboom……” . What is the best replacement to the word “admission” ?
A. Access
B. Approval
C. Acceptance
D. Acknowledgement
35. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. To Know the product advantages.
B. To Get information about the product nutrients in detail.
To Comprehend the procedure to digest the product.
D. To Obtain the explanation about the production process.
36. The Package claims that the product has no ……..
A. Fibers
B. Trans fat
C. Sugar
D. Cholestrol
The following text is for questions number 37 to
Angga : Are you going to practice PencakSilat?
Yes, I am. I am preparing for the provincial competition.
I see. You have won the regency competition last week. Anyway, who will
represent our regency?
Raka from SMP 3 and I.
Angga : I hope both of you win gold medals
I hope so. Thanks. Anyway, I have to practice regularly because the higher level will be more challenging.
Angga : You are right. You also have to maintain your health.
Sure. Thanks for your support.
Angga : You’re welcome. Good luck! Indri :
Thank you.
A. Embrassed
B. Insecure
C. Fearful
D. Enthusiastic
38. What does Angga expect for Indri ?
A. She will become the winner
B. She will receive
a gold medal in the regency level
C. She will attend the provincial competition
D. She will represent their school to the next level
The following text is for questions number 39
Samuael : I can’t get the printer to work.
David : Did you check to see if it had paper?
Samuel : Yeah. That’s the first thing I checked. Can you help me?
David : I am so sorry, I can’t. You might have to tall
39. What is the problem in dialogue?
A. He can get the printer to work
B. He can’t to help
C. He can’t get the printer to work
D. He can to help
The following text is for questions number 40
: Your library Card, please?

A. Library card
B. Library C. Librarian D.
The school
Text for questions 41 and 42
Teacher :
Good morning everybody. Students : Good
morning, sir.
(While the teacher greeting the students, they make noisy)
: Attention please.
I want to call your name first. Students : Yes, Sir.
Teacher : Ardy.
Ardy : Present, Sir. Teacher : Lisa.
Lisa : Present, Sir. Teacher : Putri.
Putri : Present, Sir.
(Until all of
students are called)
Teacher : Okay, today we
going to learn about Recount text. Open your English book
on page 45.
Students : Yes, Sir.
41. What is the dialogue about ?
42. Where is the dialogue probably happen?
For questions 43 to 45, Complete the
text with the correct words.
Last Sunday, I spent my holiday in a (43) . . .
I went there with my little brother. He
really wanted to see dolphins.
When (44) . . . arrived, my
brother immediately asked me to take him to the dolphin section. He looked very happy when he saw the dolphin. He put his hand on the glass wall as the dolphin approached and followed his hand movement. He was laughing
see the dolphin spinning around.
After that, we saw many kinds of the fish. They were so beautiful and colorful. My
brother and I really (45) . . . our time there.
Students : Yes, Sir.
11. C
21. B
31. B
12. D
22. D
32. B
13. A
23. C
33. D
14. D
24. B
34. B
15. B
25. D
35. B
16. A
26. A
36. B
17. D
27. A
37. D
18. A
28. C
38. A
29. D
39. C
20. D
30. B
40. B
Asking attention
In the classroom
safari Park
postingan mengenai soal-soal latihan lengkap dengan kunci jawaban pada mata
pelajaran Bahasa inggris jenjang SMP, kiranya soal-soal yang telah di tampilkan
tersebut dapat menjadi bahan pembelajaran bagi siswa siswi dan juga bisa
menjadi bahan referensi bagi guru dalam membuat dan menyiapkan soal-soal latihan
di sekolah.